

Welcome to my blog. Iā€™m Nicole! My blog is about sharing my experiences from my years of being a mom, wife, teacher, and friend. I love sharing my world and wisdom with others. Drop by and say hi!

Chicharron Keto Meatball

Chicharron Keto Meatball

Since this gastric bypass revision I feel like I am on Keto trying to get as much protein in as I can. If we are cooking at home or out to eat, meatballs are my go to if they are an option. 

I know it sounds strange, but I have a hard time digesting meat - after all this time still. In this recipe, the meat is really soft and now that I found 4505meats, I can add extra protein with these crumbles and replace the all carb bread crumbs with 0 carbs sea salt chicharrones! ( I will be honest, I ate some out of the bag with a spoon....like eating chicharrones without the mess on your shirt) 

Nicole Watts, The Bronzed Beauty

How freaking genius is that??? Not only is it WLS (weight loss surgery) friendly, it's also Paleo friendly too. Here's the recipe that came on the back of the back. I will have to say that this Gluten Free, Paleo friendly meatball recipe will not disappoint!

Recipe courtesy of 4505 Meats

Recipe courtesy of 4505 Meats

Chicharron Keto Meatball 

3 Cups Crumbles

1 lb Beef

1/2 lb Italian Sausage 

3 TBS Toasted pine nuts

1/4 onion (minced) 

2 cloves garlic (minced)

1 Tsp Basil

1 Tsp Oregano 

1 Egg (optional) ..... I used an egg

1.Combine 1 1/2 cup crumbles and all remaining ingredients

2.Roll into small golf sized balls 

3. Roll in the reserve crumbles

4. Bake in oven 400 degrees

5. Remove to platter/dish - you can add your favorite keto pasta and tomato sauces

Let me know if you try it and what you think!! Grab your bag here on Amazon! (this is an affiliate link, I make a few pennies if your purchase it via this link)

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